Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sleepy time!

We have a nightly ritual around here. When it's time to go to sleep, I get in my comfy bed, lay down with my sleepy-time toy, let mom and dad give me tummy rubs, and then they cover me up and I fall asleep with a smile on my face. It might look a little goofy, but I love it.

This little guy in my mouth is my Micro-Puppy. He got that name because he can go in the microwave and get all warm and toasty for me to sleep with. I've had him since I came to live with mom and dad when I was just a tiny puppy. I sleep with him every night, and I'm very gentle with him. I do like to give him some nibbles before I fall asleep, though.

Good night!


Sames Blogs said...

Hey girl, I cant see your pictures. I want to see your beddie bed.

By the way, have you heard about the International Goodie Exchange? Check out the details link at my blog. Max and I are excited!

BARK! Sasha the Princess

Jenn & Billy said...

So cute! I guess the sleeping out of her crate at night is working! YAY!