Sunday, June 8, 2008

My New Friend Malu

Last weekend, some friends of my mom and dad came by with their puppy. Her name is Malu (they're big Steelers fans, which is how Malu got her name) and she's very young and tiny (compared to me) and lots of fun to play with. It was the first time we'd ever met, and we both had lots of fun playing together! You can read more about Malu and her big brother Bogart here.

We really liked to play tug-of-war - Malu's little jaws were pretty strong!

What? You told me to sit...

We were very tired puppies after a hard day of playing.

1 comment:

Sames Blogs said...

Wow, playing with that puppy looks like fun. Mommy wishes I would play like that. I dont think I got to mingle with other doggies when I was younger, I dont remember and mommy wasnt around to know. But I am finally starting to play with my dumb brother Max a little nicer now.

BARK!! Sasha the Princess!